Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Selection 28 (Summary)

Food Scarcity: An Environmental Wakeup Call
Lester Brown

Image from: Live Citizens

This Selection talks about the environmental deterioration and how it will lead to an economic decline.
Brown lists some possible economic effects of environmental damage such as overfishing, deforestation, and soil erosion.  The first global economic indicator we should look out for is the rise of grain prices.  It will indicate a environmentally unsustainable economic and demographic path.  This is because higher grain prices for those who are living on a dollar a day would be life threatening.  Brown then goes onto telling us how much water is being used to cultivate the land and the statistics of overfishing by looking back from the 1950s. 

The main reason for food scarcity is the growing population.  As the world population increase, the demand for food increase as well.  He gives us two components that will lead to secure future food and sustainable economy and they are: stabilizing population and climate.  If the demand for grain decreases, the price would also decrease; therefore the future of food security depends on creating an environmentally sustainable economy.

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