Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Selection 4 (Summary)

A Sand Country Almanac
Aldo Leopold

Image from: Mountains

Leopold talks about land ethics in this selection.  He describes ethics as a "limitation on freedom of action in the struggle for existence" this is a definition in "ecological" terms.  In fact Leopold goes on to say that ethics philosophically is diferent than ethics ecologically.  He says that there are no ethics in dealing with land, it is dealt like a property and strictly economic.  He calls the evolutionary land ethic an intellectual and emotional process. He adds that our educational and economic system is headed away from the consciousness of land; mankind are more into synthetic materials, rather than "originals" and Leopold refers to that as having "outgrown" land.  Leopold also states that we only see land as just a space for crops to grow, an area between cities or just another scenic area so in other words, boring.  He believes that if our ethics for land advances from an individual to the community than the intellectual content of land ethics will increase.

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