Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog Assignment #4; selection 10 (Summary)

Life and Death of the Salt Marsh
John Teal and Mildred Teal
Image from: Marsh

In the beginning of this selection, the authors talks about their experience with wetlands.  They begin to describe the smells of wetlands and compare a the smell of a health wetland with a contaminated wetland.  A healthy marsh smells of Spartina which is a strong odor mixed with the smell of the sea and grasses; while a disturbed marsh smells like hydrogen sulfide and rotten eggs.  Disturbed marshes are usually suffocated by trash and fill from city waste.  

The dangers of marshes comes from human activities indirectly by pollution, and the importance of marshes effects fisherman and the consumers of fishery products.  They believe that by limiting human access to wildlife marshes can help minimize the damage to the marshes.

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