Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog Assignment #4: Selection 20 (Summary)

Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services
Boris Worm et al.

Image from: Tree hugger

Boris describes that the human domination of marine ecosystems are accelerating the loss of biodiversity in the ocean among species.  The loss of biodiversity can cause the recovery of potential, stability and water quality to decrease.  Changes in marine ecosystems are caused directly or indirectly.  Directly meaning, exploitation, pollution, and habitat destruction, while indirectly would be through climate change and the disturbance of ocean biogeochemistry. Marine ecosystems is an important resource of food for millions of people. 

Boris carries an experiment to analyze the effects of these disturbance.  He carried an experiment with coastal ecosystems, large marine ecosystems and marine reserves and fishery closure.  In conclusion, he fould that "elimination of locally adapted populations and species not only imapirs the ability of marine ecosystems to feed a growing human population but also sabotages their stability and recovery potential in a rapidly changing marine environment".  Boris suggests that if we continue to exploit our marine ecosystems the way we do now, it can threaten our food security, coastal water quality and ecosystem stability for our future generations. 

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