Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Assignment #2: Blog Reflection #1

Q:  Where do your environmental ethics lie?

Image from: SFAppeal

It is hard to say where my environmental ethics lie.  I feel torn between biocentric and anthropocentric.  I do believe that all life on earth is equal, and that humans are not the center of the world.  What makes me torn between the two is the way that I live. 

Living in Winnipeg, summers are the time when mosquitoes are most abundant.  I feel no remorse what so ever when I swat a mosquito that has been sucking blood from my arms or legs; nor do I feel any remorse when I kill any other insects.  Although I would never go hunting for insects just to kill them, but if they are in my personal space, I feel it is only natural to get rid of them because it's "cleaner" to do so.  Perhaps it was the way that I was brought up, or maybe it was my fears for insects that makes me act this way.  

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