Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Assignment #2: Blog Reflection #2

Q:  Can parks meet it's dual mandate of access and protection?  How can this be achieved in Wapusk?

Image from: Trek Nature and Yahoo Image

 I do not believe that parks can meet the dual mandate of human access and protection.  Some possibilities that can happen with human access into parks would be littering and the possibility of introducing invasive species into the park area or taking native species from the park and unknowingly bringing it home as an invasive specie. 
As well as the fact that animals in the wild are not use to human interaction, so if humans suddenly comes in and disturbs their habitat it could be dangerous for both.  If parks manages to allow human access to their parks, animals will have to be kept behind cages high enough so they do not break out.  If that does happen than what would be the difference between going to a park and a zoo?  

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