Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Blog Activity

Image from: Google image

Ricard, in his TED talk on Habits of happiness, he talks about the commonarity of how we as human preceed in our quest of happiness.  We look outside and gather everything to be happy, and to have everything to be happy is the doom of destruction of happiness, because when we are missing something, this idea collapses.  

This, I think, really relates to the anthropocentric people around us.  Corporate companies are always thinking of ways of earning more profit.  Perhaps their way of thinking is that more profit = more money = happiness.  I find myself in this situation before, where I would feel really sad and when I go out, I would unconsiously buy everything that I like or want but not nessisarily need and at the end of the day, I would just feel even worse for losing control. 

I think this idea of thinking could be the beginning of an anthropocentri world.  The gathering of everything that can make us happy even if we don't need it.  This leads to overconsumption of food and/or materialistic behaviour. 

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