Controversy at Love Canal
Beverly Paigen
Image from: Love Canal Toxic Waste
This selection talks about the hazardous waste that was buried at Love Canal by Hooker Electrochemical Corporation. Although Hooker claims that the hazardous wastes was disposed of properly, Hooker Electrochemical actually disposed of the hazardous waste in ha cheap and efficient way.
The controversy arose when the Niagara Falls Board of Education approached Hooker Chemical, wanting to buy their site to build a school on. Hooker Chemical had warn the Board that it is unsafe to build a school on this land and refused to sell it to them. Hooker Chemical claims that the Board threaten to take the site by "eminent domain". Soon after Hooker Chemical gave up their site to the Board making them sign a contract if any thing were to happened to the residents within this area, Hooker Chemical would not be liable.
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