Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Seletion 39 (Summary)

Towards Sustainable Development
World Commission on Environment and Development

"Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs." 

Sustainable development contains two key concepts: the concept of needs and the idea of limitations.

This selection talks about the development of sustainable development; how the satisfaction of human needs and aspirations is the main focus on  development.  Sustainable development involves food, clothing, shelter and jobs; which these standards are not met today in parts of the world.  The growing population can put pressure on resources and thus lowers the capability to a sustainable development.  

This states that the need to integrate economic and ecological considerations into decision making is the common theme for sustainable development.  It than goes on to give examples of policies of agricultural land and modern agriculture with its amount of commercially produced energy and the growing use of synthetics.

In the end it gives a few points on what the pursuit of sustainable development requires and the requirements depends on our sincerity with how these are being pursued and the effectiveness of each.

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