Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Selection 41 (Summary)

Women's Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation
Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva talks about the connection between gender and diversity and how women and the destruction of biodiversity are linked with one another.  Shiva mentions the knowledge and role of women in agriculture, one of the examples she gave is women in India who are major producers of food.  Their skills and knowledge in seed preparation, germination and knowledge of fertilizers have been present since the beginning of time and are still present in most cultures today. 

Shiva also talks about the biotechnology and importance of seed.  Women farmers sees seeds as the continuation of life, where corporate companies breed seeds so that they cannot be used again (Hybird Seeds) making seeds a consummer product.  These corporate companies are stealing biodiversity from female farmers in the third world countries and for us, people who buy their products, they are stealing safe and healthy food.

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