Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog Assignment #3: Selection 27 (Summary)

The Agricultural Crisis as a Crisis of Culture
Wendell Berry

Image from: Green Our Source

Wendell Berry talks about the current agriculture practice in North America and how they are striving to be bigger in size and production size in order to compete with other farmers.  Small local farms are beginning to go out of business as other surrounding farm begins to grow, and adapt to the new agricultural culture; which is acres of crops and producing millions of products with new technologies like herbicides and growing agents in the foods of farm animals.  They are called "agribusinessmen".  Berry points out that "food is a cultural product" and that it "cannot be produced by technology alone". 

Berry describes culture as a practical necessity and calamity.  A healthy culture includes value, work, insight, and aspiration.  "It reveals the human necessities and the human limits" and clarifies our bond to the Earth. 

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